Treatment of gas and flatulence (bloating) with burdock plants

“Use of the ‘burdock or small cornflower’ plant for treatment”

burdock roots

How to prepare:

Ground emulsion of (burdock) or (small cornflower)

Put a full teaspoon of ground herbs in a glass cup, immediately pour boiling water over it, sweeten with sugar or honey, stir well, cover and drink after five or ten minutes, take it once after breakfast and once after dinner. or when the patient feels the need to take this medication as needed.

Benefits and uses of burdock in modern medicine:

  • To strengthen the hair on the head:

Soak the roots for twenty-four hours in a soapy solution and wash the hair with it.

  •  It is used in the form of an ointment to treat burns, ulcers and boils:

Mix the fresh roots with animal fat and leave on low heat to use as an ointment.

  • Boiled roots are also used as a drink to cleanse the body of mineral toxins and purify the skin from acne, boils, wounds and difficult-to-heal ulcers.
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