1-Prepare a ground emulsion of black seeds (Star anise and Cloves)
Preparation :
- Grind (star anise and cloves) in equal proportions by weight.
- Put a teaspoon of ground (star anise and cloves) in equal proportions by weight in a glass cup.
- Pour boiled water over it.
- Drink a cup of this emulsion daily once after breakfast and once after dinner. You can drink another cup if necessary. “It can be sweetened with sugar or pure honey”.
2- Orange peel
Orange peel is useful in the treatment of headaches, as well as for all neurological conditions.
How to prepare :
- Squeeze the peel of the orange or eucalyptus.
- Rub the head site and forehead with the oil resulting from the yellow outer side.
- Use your hand to rub for good penetration.
“This method is very quick and decisive in eliminating headaches.”
3- Violet leaves and flowers
How to prepare
- Grind Violet leaves and flowers.
- Put four tablespoons of the grind in a pot.
- Pour one and a half liters of boiled water over it.
- Leave to cool.
- Wash and massage the back of the head with this cold emulsion.
- Drink one or two cups a day.
“This treatment is suitable for all types of headaches”
4- Marjoram:
Prepare an emulsion of ground marjoram heads and flowers as a beverage to treat all kinds of headaches. It is convenient, effective and has a wide effect.
How to prepare : –
- Put a tablespoon full of ground herbs in a pot.
- Pour boiling water over it.
- Cover and leave for fifteen minutes.
Drink one to two cups a day.
Note: do not drink the sediment remaining at the bottom of the cup.
5- Emulsion of crushed Cassia Senna horn leaves
If the headache is caused by a case of (stubborn constipation), then (Salamaki) is one of the most suitable and powerful herbs to relieve this constipation, regardless of its severity.
How to prepare :
- Take ten leaves of Cassia Senna.
- Crush the leaves with your hand in a glass cup
- Pour boiling water over it, stir well, until the color becomes like the color of tea.
“Sweeten it with half a spoonful of sugar or honey”
Drink it once immediately after feeling a headache caused by constipation, and again at bedtime. “This will make the abdomen soft and make bowel movements easier,” and thus the headaches caused mainly by constipation will disappear.
(Acutifolia) also removes fatty cholesterol from the body and prevents the formation of blood clots, especially if you drink it before going to bed at night.
6- Bitter Orange dried leaves
How to prepare :
- Boil a handful of crushed or fresh dried orange leaves.
Drink (1 to 3) cups per day depending on the need for treatment.
“It can be sweetened with sugar or pure bee honey (without wax)”