Menstruation, Painful periods !!

What are the measures to Alleviate pains ?  

What do you know about menstruation in its different forms?

What are menstrual disorders?

Menstruation and daily life – Health precautions – What measures to alleviate pains ?

Ways and methods of treating infections and menstrual disorders with medicinal herbs, plants and oils:

1- To stop hypermenorrhea: consume the below mentioned plants and oil.

  1. Chopped parsley emulsion
  2. Caraway seed or it’s oil ( not to exaggerate, consume with moderation)
  3. Mint emulsion (drink)
  4. Watercress
  5. Orchid

2- To stop hypermenorrhea: consume the below mentioned plants and oil.

  1. chamomile flower emulsion
  2. Herbal blend emulsion composed of (marjoram, thallium and hyssop flowers)
  3. Juniper herb emulsion
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