Goals :
Eat lettuce at the rate of one “lettuce” per day
Ways to increase the level of the reproductive process in men and women using lettuce. “Improves the status of (sperm for men) and (ovum) for women”.
Overview and Specifications :
What is lettuce??

Lettuce is a herbaceous plant from the Compositae family.
- The virtues and properties of lettuce and benefits for the health and revitalization of the body.
Lettuce is an excellent source of beta carotene (vitamin A) which is needed for healthy skin, bones, and eyes.
Lettuce is a fair source of folate, which is needed for healthy cells and the healthy growth of babies during pregnancy in order to prevent neural tube defects.
Lettuce in modern medicine:
Recent research has confirmed the presence of proteins, fats and calories in lettuce, in addition to its richness in iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iodine, chlorine, arsenic, berries, manganese, sulfur, etc. It is also rich in vitamins. A, B and C.
Its oil, known as “”sweet oil””, is rich in vitamin E, known to improve reproductive efficiency and treat infertility.
Additionally, lettuce contains lactocarium, which works to calm the nerves.
- The main ingredient of lettuce is “Thridace” lettuce juice, which is considered a good nutrient.
What is lettuce used for?
Internal use of Lettuce ( Eat):
- Lettuce produces a greater amount of breast milk for nursing mothers, and the extent of its nutrition for the infant increases because the mother eats lettuce at the rate of (one lettuce per day).
- Lettuce is used internally as a moisturizer, analgesic, blood purifier, sedative, sedative, laxative, strengthens eyesight and nerves, and is an antispasmodic for menstrual and intestinal pain.
- The main ingredient of lettuce is “Thridace” lettuce juice, which is considered a good nutrient.
External use of Lettuce ( ointment | cream):
- Lettuce juice (water or chopped) is used to beautify the face, and purify the color and purity of the face.
- Lettuce is also used externally to treat boils, pimples and abscesses.
Wheat germ oil

Consuming wheat germ oil:
- Taking one teaspoon of wheat germ oil once after breakfast and once immediately after dinner and continuing the treatment for at least a month will improve the condition of the man’s sperm and the woman ovum.
- It is recommended to consult a specialist doctor and medical analysis laboratories. to know the status.
- Wheat germ is also considered a rich source of vitamin E, which maintains the vitality of fetuses in pregnant women.