How to take care of your Hygiene and health during menstruation period Using medicinal plants and herbs ?
1-Use bark of the oak tree as drink and in your bath
How to use :
- Grind the bark well and finely and pass through a sieve
- Mix the ground bark with liquid and drink
- Mix the ground bark with your bath water to clean your private parts (vulva and anus) in order to prevent the appearance of what is called “white loses”, also called leukorrhea and to get rid of foul odors. Duration: of bath 10 to 15 minutes.
Duration: for bathing the private parts (vulva and anus), stay in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes.
2-Use an antiperspirant after showering:
Use Sage officinalis and horsetail plants as an antiperspirant after showering .
How to use :
Grind the Sage officinalis plant mix it with a liquid and consume the emulsion
Consume an the plant “field plant or horsetail”
To be consumed fresh or dry
“”You can consume it fresh or dried ,twice a day after meal”””.